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This Sunday will mark a first for the Cape Girardeau Public Library: the library will open its doors for business. Public requests prompted the library board and its new director, Terry Risko, to initiate Sunday hours. We applaud them for being receptive enough to give Sunday hours a try.

The library has made the initiative, but continuation of Sunday hours rests with the public. Granted, it may take a few weeks for the public to get in the habit of using the library on Sunday. But if after several months, few patrons take advantage of the new hours, the library would be well advised to abandon the plan. While it's important to be receptive to the public, the library staff must also be accountable to the taxpayers.

After all, Sunday hours will not come without a cost. There are operating bills to pay as well as personnel costs. Workers will volunteer for the hours, receiving compensatory time off.

Sunday hours will be noon to 4 p.m. The library operates 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday, with 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours on Friday and Saturday.

The Cape Girardeau Public Library is first rate. Books provide good food for thought on long fall and winter Sunday afternoons. We approve of this experiment.