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In its 100th year of football, Jackson High School made it to the stratosphere of excellence. In the Class 4A state championship, the Indians lost, but by only by a hair. There will be some murmurs, as there always are when strong teams lose, that this play or that call would have made the difference. Certainly. But nothing can diminish the fact that Jackson was represented proudly in high school football this year.

The Jackson team, which has come close to a state title before, was up against another power house: Camdenton, which has won three titles in just the past decade. The Camdenton Lakers have renewed respect for the tough Indians, because the game was no pushover.

"They played like champions," said Jackson's coach, Carl Gross, after the 20-19 loss. And well they should. "They fought hard, and they played hard," said the opposing coach, Bob Shore. "They have outstanding kids and a great program. It was just a great ballgame."

In addition to a super and ready team, Jackson can also boast some of the best fans around. The whole town looked to its high school football team for state glory. They weren't let down. And now they must not let down the players and coaches who fought their way into the championship game and gave it everything that had.

The season is over, and Southeast Missouri is proud of the Jackson football team. There will be plenty of opportunities in future years for another try for the state championship. For now, the laurels go to a team that played well and hard all season long.