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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is a time that crisis centers are reaching out to educate the public about services in the region.

This kind of legwork can prove a real lifesaver when a crisis strikes.

A victim of domestic violence may have little time to think about where to turn. There's no time to flip through a phone book or ask a friend. When violence strikes, victims often flee with the clothes on their back and very little else.

Many times victims learn about a safe house or services from a concerned co-worker or employer. So it is important that these people realize what resources are available and how victims can use these services.

This region is fortunate to be served by two effective advocates for victims of domestic violence.

The Safe House for Women has operated in Cape Girardeau since 1991. It provides refuge and services for about 200 women and children each year. The shelter is extending transportation and emergency shelter in Scott County.

The Perry County Women's Crisis Center opened in Perryville in October 1995. Since then, it has served more than 300 women and children.

With seven domestic-violence deaths in the region since 1993, this issue strikes close to home.

Learning more about local domestic violence services could save the life of a friend or acquaintance -- or even your own.