

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

The maiden celebration of La Fete Francaise attracted considerable interest this past weekend, in spite of uncooperative weather. This region's rich ties to French exploration and development were highlights of the event, which reached from St. Louis to Ste. Genevieve to Cape Girardeau.

For many participants, the special events may have been their first exposure to the history of early settlers and their influence that continues to this day. Cultural, political and religious patterns were set more than 200 years ago by the French. And even through the rains came, can anyone deny that springtime along the Mississippi River between St. Louis and Cape Girardeau has a certain -- how to say it? -- French flavor?

The organizers of La Fete Francaise pulled together interesting and entertaining events that are likely to draw even more interest as the annual celebration grows and matures. Those who contributed their time and effort on a busy holiday weekend deserve the thanks of all those who enjoyed being French for a while.

There is, of course, another major influence in our area that dates from those early years: German immigration. This could be cause for another celebration, perhaps in the fall. Octoberfest, anyone?