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It's Riverfest time again in Cape Girardeau, and organizers hope this year the thunderstorms stay away. There is something for everyone on the two-day schedule of events. The entertainment starts at 4 p.m. today on stages set up throughout the downtown area, and the fun will last until 11 p.m. today, continue all day Saturday and end with fireworks at 9 p.m. Saturday.

Several musical groups will be performing, with some of the entertainment specifically geared toward families. The Riverfest Run and turtle races, along with the many street booths offering food and crafts, will fill up the busy schedule.

As with any street fair where beer is sold, there always is a concern about revelers who might get out of hand or underage youngsters who might try to buy a beer or two. For the most part, Riverfest celebrations in the past have avoided major problems in this regard.

This year, the Missouri Division of Liquor Control is providing a helping hand. A new unit called the Party Patrol will provide highly visible agents who will patrol throughout the festival. Rather than working undercover, the agents will wear shirts that clearly identify them as liquor-control agents. The idea is that the visibility will deter would-be offenders.

This is a new program for liquor-control agents, and it sounds like a positive way to avoid ugly situations.

Let's hope everyone who goes to Riverfest this year has a good time while respecting all the other fun-seeking folks.