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Twenty-two area high school students and the more than 940 other boys who participated in the American Legion's Boys State of Missouri have returned home with greater insight into government and the valuable rights of American citizenship.

The annual experience at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg is designed to educate young teens about duties, privileges and responsibilities of citizenship. A highlight of the 60th annual event was creation of a 51st state government that included a court system, executive and legislative branches, law enforcement agencies and media.

The American Legion's program is an outstanding endeavor that exposes many young men to the workings of government. Boys State undoubtedly has served as the stimulus that guided many of the participants into government and related public-service careers.

Congratulations are in order to this year's participants and the American Legion for putting together such a valuable program for young Missourians.

And a word of thanks is due to all the groups and organizations who help sponsor the young Boys State delegates each year.