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Nearly every school board and fire protection district in the area, plus the Jackson Board of Aldermen, has openings that will be filled in the April 3 election.

The deadline to file is Jan. 16, although many candidates rushed to do so on Tuesday, the first day of filing.

How admirable! Certainly, running for and holding public office isn't easy. For very little money in most cases none at all officeholders must endure constituents' phone calls day and night, attend lengthy meetings and, finally, fight for what their constituents want when issues come to a vote.

But what a remarkable way to serve the community. It must give officeholders an education and perspective few enjoy.

The problem is when no qualified candidates file for a position. Apathy among potential elected officials and the voting public makes a healthy democracy impossible.

So thank you, all who have filed. And anyone who feels he or she is qualified and has a strong desire to serve should not delay in filing for office.