
Cape native brings world-renowned Elvis act to casino

On July 20, 1955, Elvis Presley performed in front of about 300 people at the Arena Building in Cape Girardeau.

On Jan. 9, 2016 (the day after what would have been The King's 81st birthday), Cape Girardeau native Robert Washington took the stage at Isle Casino Cape Girardeau to entertain another generation of Elvis fans.

To Washington, the job is "being a fan first," he told the Southeast Missourian. And he's been a fan for a long time.

Washington said what drew him to Elvis' music as a child was the stylistic range.

"You can cater to the crowds," he said. "There's gospel, country, straight rock 'n' roll. It just doesn't get old to me."

In December, Ronny Craig, CEO of Ronny Craig Entertainment and Productions, told the newspaper Washington and his co-star, David Allen, are among the highest rated Elvis tribute acts, a status they attain by winning contests. With more than 50,000 such artists in the world, that's quite an accomplishment.

Washington has been performing Elvis tribute shows since 1988 and is the only African-American to win the World Champion Elvis Impersonator title. He has performed nationally as well as in England and Japan.

Washington graduated from Cape Girardeau Central High School in 1977, then went on to join the Marine Corps.

It's always a pleasure to see a native Girardean grow into a success, whatever their chosen field. But it's not often one is charismatic enough to pull off international recognition as a tribute to The King.

We congratulate Washington on his success and look forward to seeing him on stage here again in the future.
