Letter to the Editor

America's founding revisited

We're living in treacherous times under corrupt government rule from the White House right down to local school boards. A time where power trumps principle!

Ordinary, law abiding, working citizens, feel slighted, ignored and maligned by what radicals of the '60s called "the establishment." Today, sentiments and political philosophies of those '60s radicals now hold sway over political power now ruling over and overruling us.

Our original American Founders' concept of "individual freedom" or "free will" are articulated in the provisions of our original American Constitution designed to protect them. This "free will" governing concept is of divine origin. Not from mortal man, and can only succeed if our laws and regulations reflect an honoring of Godly morals. Man can only choose to adopt those divinely authored principles or rebel against them. Man's rebelliousness has removed Godly morality from most laws of the land.

Knowing the nature of man, our founders established a nation free from intrusive, over-bloated, self-serving centralized power. Instead they reserved all power to reside in "the people" (a moral people) not authoritative governments, or boards.

"Individual freedoms" enumerated in our "Bill of Rights" and limitations on centralized government, enumerated in our Constitution expressed as "state sovereignty," are the political expression of Godly morality. It is not a commodity for arbitration by political parties or government entities! Any government entity or board that attempts to replace Godly moral standards with its own self-serving standards, exceeds their "righteous" and "just" authority, usurping the rights of the people.

JOHN McMILLEN, Sikeston, Missouri