Letter to the Editor

Obama's spending problem

Editor's note: The following letter to the editor is in response to the letter "GOP vs. Obama" that appeared in the March 1 Southeast Missourian.

I was dismayed to see the pro-Obama letter to the editor in the paper last week. After this sequester episode, anyone paying attention should understand that Obama has no desire to fix our government spending problem. With all due respect, there are a lot of "low information voters" out there.

The writer starts out with the catchy phrase about how Obama doesn't have to "wheel and deal" with Congress. I guess this writer prefers Obama to "wheel and deal" with Tiger Woods on a golf outing. That outing cost well over $1 million. By the way, that chunk of change could have saved 341 furloughed federal jobs.

How about "wheeling and dealing" to release thousands of illegal immigrant criminals, instead of cutting some tax subsidy for a failing green energy company.

I guess the writer doesn't mind Secretary Napolitano saying lines will be longer and slower at airports, while buying up astronomical amounts of ammunition and 2,700 armored, mine-resistant vehicles. I didn't realize we had a problem with mine fields in the U.S. I cannot figure out why Homeland Security would need to arm up like this at any time, but especially now during these tough economic times.

I guess the writer doesn't realize that House Republicans have submitted budgets and plans to cut growth in spending for more than four years. The Senate Democrats have not even submitted a budget in that time.

I would like to ask the writer to just flip the remote away from MSNBC every once in awhile.

LINDA REUTZEL, Cape Girardeau