Letter to the Editor

Insight into a secularist's mind

The director of Health and Human Services' recent announcement that this administration will give the Catholic Church an extra year to modify its beliefs and implement providing contraceptive, sterilization and abortive treatments in its health care plans gives us an important insight into the secularist mind, i.e. there are no truths nor absolutes in right and wrong, and therefore all that one must do is modify his or her belief to meet up with this administration's wishes. They believe they are compromising greatly by providing that extra year of time to modify those beliefs, and they can't believe we are unwilling to change them.

Secularists have no Supreme Authority that directs their lives and how they live, and therefore to them the end justifies the means in all things. In our youth we were taught this was an evil philosophy.

Do you believe that this administration, and all its czars, will not force their agenda upon all of us if given four more years with no concerns about being re-elected?

Let us call out to our Supreme Authority to save us from this evil philosophy as we work to resist and defeat it.

RICHARD R. CUBA, Cape Girardeau