
Jackson input

The spur-of-the-moment decision by the Jackson Board of Aldermen to ban fireworks generated an immediate and overwhelming backlash sufficient to change the minds of some of the aldermen who supported the ban. As a result, it is likely that the board will reverse itself when it meets July 20.

The way this matter was handled and the public's reaction should be instructive for all local elected officials. Serious issues need careful and thoughtful review before decisions are made. It would have been far more appropriate, for example, to have suggested such a review and public hearings on a proposal to ban fireworks. Notifying the public in advance of decisions to be deliberated by elected officials is a cornerstone of Missouri's Sunshine Law, which provides for the posting of agendas except in rare emergency situations.

Another serious issue under consideration in Jackson is the city's update of its comprehensive plan. A community workshop was held earlier this month that involved public input. Jackson residents can review the draft plan as it is updated on the city's website, www.jacksonmo.org.

Participation by an informed public in government decisions results in both better decisions and a better understanding of the reasons for those decisions.
