Letter to the Editor

Bush plan would cut benefits

To the editor:

President Bush has taken the first steps to dismantle Social Security. I cannot stand by and let him do that without saying my piece. Bush is going to start a campaign on TV that is going to lead you to believe that Social Security will tumble if we don't privatize it, but that is not the case. Bush's proposal would cut Social Security by at least one-third. People who plan on retiring in the year 2022 would see a 10 percent cut in their Social Security benefits, and benefits for people who retire in 2042 would be cut 25 percent. And the cuts would only get worse in the future. These cuts would be guaranteed under the Bush plan. I don't know about you, but I don't want my benefits cut, especially my parents benefits, considering they are getting close to retirement age. So please don't let President Bush do this, America. Fight back. If we band together, we can keep these cuts from happening.

THOMAS WIDNER, Portageville, Mo.