Letter to the Editor

Y would be great asset for Cape

To the editor:

In response to a recent Speak Out comment concerning the possibilities of a YMCA or YWCA coming to Cape Girardeau: I feel that there should be some form of tax breaks for either one to locate within the city. In the long run either Y would be a great asset to the city and county. The YMCA I am a member of has a day-care center, after-school programs and even summer programs for parents with young children who are low-income, and it is all based on income. Plus this is an all-Christian environment and maybe the only place children can go besides school and not have to hear people cussing at each other. I am not saying the city should forgive all the taxes for a Y, but it would be a great asset, and it would also help lure me to move back home to the Cape area.

D.L. BAKER, Lexington, Tenn.