Letter to the Editor

Sharpton, Jackson show their hate

To the editor:The genuinely contrite Don Imus comes across more a Christian than the hatemongering hypocrite Al Sharpton. The latter's blind hate against all whites transcends human decency. This self-styled leader of blacks calls himself a "reverend." He does not have the basic decency and Christian forgiveness to people who have sinned and repented. He is not satisfied by Imus' genuine apology. He wants to humiliate and destroy him. What a kind Christian this man is.

The other self-appointed leader of blacks, Jesse Jackson, doesn't have the decency to apologize for jumping on the "hate whites" bandwagon before the guilt of three Duke University students was established. This emperor of hypocrites even gave a scholarship to the stripper who told bald-faced lies about three innocent boys whose lives are marred forever. What kind of "reverend" is this so-called Christian whose actions are driven by hate in his heart?

Both these "reverends" have enough skeletons in their own closets to fill a medical-school museum. They have no moral authority to throw stones at others, especially those who have repented and apologized. Let them start repenting at their own sins first. Enough is enough.

As for the Rutgers University black female student who said she has been traumatized for the rest of her life: Enough of self-pity. If your self-esteem is so low that one stupid statement by a nappy-headed radio commentator can forever ruin your life, you better hire the two self-appointed leaders of blacks to protect you the rest of your life.

K.P.S. KAMATH, Cape Girardeau