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NewsJune 17, 2016

Republican 8th District congressional candidate Hal Brown wants to scrap the federal income tax, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and implement a “fair tax.” Brown, a Cape Girardeau dermatologist, outlined his views before more than 30 people Thursday at a meeting of the Southeast Missouri Pachyderm Club. The session was held at Dexter Bar-B-Que in Cape Girardeau...

Republican 8th District congressional candidate Hal Brown wants to scrap the federal income tax, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and implement a “fair tax.”

Brown, a Cape Girardeau dermatologist, outlined his views before more than 30 people Thursday at a meeting of the Southeast Missouri Pachyderm Club. The session was held at Dexter Bar-B-Que in Cape Girardeau.

Brown, one of three GOP challengers seeking to unseat U.S. Rep. Jason Smith, R-Salem, in the Aug. 2 primary election, said a “fair tax” is a consumption tax.

“If you want to buy an item, you pay a tax,” he said.

Brown acknowledged Smith is one of 70 co-sponsors of legislation to enact a fair tax, but maintained the incumbent congressman has not pushed the idea actively as much as he would.

Many in Congress oppose eliminating the income tax because it would weaken their power, he said.

“They don’t like to lose power, but they should,” he said.

Brown favors eliminating the corporate income tax, a move he said would draw more businesses to this country and keep others from leaving.

If elected, Brown said he would work tirelessly for a balanced budget.

“We are $19 trillion in debt,” he said. “We have not balanced a budget in 15 years.”

He put some of the blame on Republicans, who hold majorities in both the House and Senate.

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Brown also called for eliminating the federal departments of education and energy as well as the Environmental Protection Agency. He argued the states can protect the environment without the need of a federal agency.

“The government gets its hands in too many things,” he said.

He favors term limits for federal lawmakers. He suggested lawmakers should serve no more than 12 years.

“Do your job and come home,” he said.

Brown also said he would hold town-hall meetings in the 8th District every three or four months to hear from constituents.

The candidate said voters should hold him accountable if he is elected to Congress.

“If I can’t do this in two years, bring me home,” he said.

Brown said he has offered to debate the issues with Smith. But Smith’s chief of staff, Eric Bohl, said after the meeting he was not aware of any formal request by Brown for a debate.

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