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NewsDecember 10, 2022

The Cape Girardeau County Quarterly FCE Council met Thursday, Dec. 1, at the University of Missouri Education Center in Jackson with President, Judy Strickland, presiding. Kage FCE Club was in charge of arrangements for the meeting. Mary Klaproth, recording secretary, took the roll with 25 FCE members in attendance. Barbara Barks, treasurer, gave the treasurer's report with a balance of $945.80. The report will be placed on file...

Cape Girardeau County FCE members receiving membership certificates and pins were, front row from left, Sue Jones, Mary Klaprothy and Darlene McCain, Town and Country FCE Club, all with 55 years; Loise Seabaugh, Town and Country FCE Club, with 50 years, and Jobyna Daume, Kage FCE Club with 55 years. Back row from left, Judy Niswonger and Betty Brown, Town and Country FCE Club with five year.
Cape Girardeau County FCE members receiving membership certificates and pins were, front row from left, Sue Jones, Mary Klaprothy and Darlene McCain, Town and Country FCE Club, all with 55 years; Loise Seabaugh, Town and Country FCE Club, with 50 years, and Jobyna Daume, Kage FCE Club with 55 years. Back row from left, Judy Niswonger and Betty Brown, Town and Country FCE Club with five year.Submitted by Mary Klaproth

Cape Girardeau County FCE Club

The Cape Girardeau County Quarterly FCE Council met Thursday, Dec. 1, at the University of Missouri Education Center in Jackson with President, Judy Strickland, presiding. Kage FCE Club was in charge of arrangements for the meeting. Mary Klaproth, recording secretary, took the roll with 25 FCE members in attendance. Barbara Barks, treasurer, gave the treasurer's report with a balance of $945.80. The report will be placed on file.

During the business meeting, Strickland shared highlights of the MAFCE Conference held Sept. 14 and 15 in Columbia, Missouri. She stated the districts have been reduced to five districts. At the present time Missouri has 179 members paying their dues for 2023. This is a decrease of 33 members from last year. Highlights were shared of the Fall District Meeting held in October in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. The scholarship committee selected Bryce Hahs to receive the FCE $300 scholarship.

JoAnn Hahs reported 33 weighted blankets had been made Nov. 1, and 32 of the blankets were delivered to the Autism Center in Cape Girardeau. She announced fabric is needed for the project. It was approved by the group to continue making the blankets if fabric is available for the group to use.

Judie Herbst suggested membership recognition go by the actual years of membership and be recognized that year. This was approved by the group. She questioned how the determination was made with clubs hosting All Club's Day and the December quarterly council meeting. After discussion the group agreed this will be done alphabetically with the clubs going forward.

Klaproth gave out packets of information with the Cape Girardeau County FCE membership, the FCE Calendar and committees for 2023. Also, the county achievement forms, community successful program forms, scholarship forms were given out at the meeting. The County Achievement form needs to be completed and given to Strickland by Wednesday, Feb. 15.

Members were given time to bid on the wrapped silent auction items brought to the meeting. The profit from the silent auction will be given to the SEMO Food Bank.

The morning program was presented by Sharon Schuessler on Grief Share Ministry.

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Agnes Wachter, member of Cheerful Country Doers, gave the devotion on being thankful.

The table grace was said in unison, and the members enjoyed a salad and dessert lunch with members bringing a dish to share at the meeting.

The afternoon entertainment was provided by Don Hester with him singing Christmas songs. A special treat, Shirley Palen, sang "Santa Baby."

Herbst was in charge of the membership recognition. The following FCE members were recognized for years of membership: Carole Jo Byrd, Oak Ridge FCE Club, 70 years; Jobyna Daume, Kage FCE Club, 55 years; Sue Jones, Mary Klaproth and Darlene McCain,, Town and Country FCE Club, all 55 years; Lois Seabaugh, Town and Country FCE Club, 50 years; Beatrice Bubulka, Oak Ridge FCE Club, 30 years; Betty Brown, Judy Niswonger and Brenda Pender, Town and Country FCE Club, all 5 years; Owen Scherer, Oak Ridge FCE Club; 5 years

The following officers were installed by Klaproth with a puzzle theme.

Strickland, president, Lamplighters FCE Club; Pat Hecht, vice president, Oak Ridge FCE Club; Herbst, secretary and reporter, Kage FCE Club; Jo Dixon, treasurer, Kage FCE Club.

Kage FCE Club gave out the door prizes with the following FCE members receiving a Christmas cactus, Barbara Barks, Betty Dellinger, Pat Hecht, Mary Klaproth, Jane Legrand, Barbara Marshall, Joan Meyer, Sarah Ross, Judy Strickland, Linda Thompson and Agnes Wachter. The meeting concluded with members unwrapping their silent auction items they bought.

The next county wide meeting will be held on Thursday, March 23 with registration at 9:30 a.m. and the arrangements being handled by Lamplighters FCE Club.

-- From staff reports

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