Cape Central
Derek Chong is valedictorian and Daniel Hilty is salutatorian of Cape Girardeau Central High School's class of 1991.
Chong's high school activities include executive board of Student Council, secretary/treasurer of National Honor Society, varsity tennis, Letterman's club and Senior Beta Club.
He attended Boy's State, placed first in Chemistry Bowl, Math Field Day and Evening Optimist Essay Contest. He was Rotary Club Student of the Month, Breakfast Exchange Club Student of the Month, was in the talented and gifted program, and was named a Young Scholar in the Mathematical Sciences.
Chong's awards include National Merit Commendation, George Washington Carver Award, Scholar Athlete Award, and the Presidential Academic Fitness Award.
He has been awarded an undergraduate scholarship to Stanford University, James L. and Nellie M. Westlake Scholarship, University of Missouri Curator's Scholarship, Missouri Higher Education Academic Scholarship and Washington University Dean's Honor Scholarship.
He plans to attend Stanford and major in chemical engineering. His parents are Frank and Betty Chong of Cape Girardeau.
Hilty activities include second-vice-president of National Honor Society, president of Math Club, Student Senate member and Scholar Bowl/Knowledge Master team.
As a sophomore, he was chosen to attend the Missouri Scholars Academy. Other honors include Daughters of American Revolution American History Award, Downtown Rotary Club Student of the Month, Breakfast Exchange Club Student of the Month, American Legion Achievement Award, Presidential Academic Fitness Award and being recognized as an outstanding student in senior English, math, science, and social studies.
He was awarded a National Merit Scholarship, Wake Forest University Honor Scholarship, Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Robert C. Byrd Honor Scholarship, and $100 savings bonds from the Lions Club and the Breakfast Exchange Club.
He is the son of Peter and Nancy Hilty and plans to attend Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem N.C. He plans to major in chemistry/biology or religion/theology.
Notre Dame
Robert Dodson Jr. is the valedictorian and Deborah M. Jansen is the salutatorian of Notre Dame High School's class of 1991.
Dodson was involved in varsity basketball, soccer, treasurer of National Honor Society, Student Council, SADD, varsity Scholar Bowl, concert choir, spring musicals and the Liturgy Council.
He is the recipient of a University of Missouri Curator's Scholarship, Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship, Nation Merit Award, a University of Missouri Department of Engineering Scholarship, Walmart Scholarship and Elks Scholarship.
He plans to study aerospace engineering at the University of Missouri, Columbia. His parents are Bob and Kim Dodson of Scott City.
Jansen was Student Council treasurer, president of Pro-Life Club, treasurer of SADD, class vice-president, member of National Honor Society, Liturgy Council, Liturgy Committee, FBLA, Pep Club, and was the Baker's Wife in the spring musical "Into the Woods."
She is also a member of the Catholic Youth Council executive committee, St. Augustine choir and lector, a volunteer tutor and Sunday School and Bible School teacher.
Jansen was a member of the all-district choir, high honor roll, and received several awards including the CYC Service Award, Breakfast Optimist Outstanding Student Award, Elk's April Student of the Month, Rotary Award for top ten percent in class, Rotary's May Student of the Month, and was names South Cape County's Young Woman of the Year.
She also received a Governor's Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University, where she plans to attend in the fall. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jansen of Kelso.
JACKSON Becky Etherington is valedictorian and Gretchen Fornkahl is salutatorian of the senior class at Jackson High School.
Etherington's activities include vice president of SADD, Student Council and National Honor Society.
She has received a President's Scholarship to Southwest Missouri State University, Missouri Higher Education Scholarship to Southwest, Cargill Citizen's Foundation Scholarship, University Scholarship to Rhodes College and a Tylenol/Walmart Leaders Scholarship.
She was also Cape County Young Woman of the Year. She is the daughter of Rick and Pricilla Etherington of Cape Girardeau and plans to attend Southwest Missouri State majoring in math of physics.
Fornkahl was a member of French Club, FBLA, SADD, Drama Club, Just Say No, ALERT and the newspaper staff. She is active in her church youth group and Young Americans 4-H Club,
Other honors include National Science Foundation Young Scholar, Tandy Corporation Technology Award, November Elk's Student of the Month and acceptance into the honors program at the University of Missouri-Rolla.
She has received a Curator's Scholarship to the University of Missouri-Rolla, Missouri Higher Education Scholarship, Department of Geological Engineering Scholarship and the Chancellor's Leadership Book Scholarship to UM-Rolla.
She plans to major in geological engineering at UM-Rolla. Her parents are Gary and Karen Fornkahl of rural Cape Girardeau.
Scott City
SCOTT CITY Amy Beth Bertrand and Any Marie Holmes have been named co-valedictorians of Scott City High School's class of 1991. Laura Catherine Johnston is salutatorian.
Bertrand was editor of the yearbook, captain of the cheerleading squad, president of National Honor Society, president of Pep Club and Speech Team, vice president of FBLA, senior class representative to Student Council, and a member of SADD, Art Club, Scholar Bowl and Spanish Club.
She was October Breakfast Exchange Club Student of the Month and competed in state FBLA competition. She is the daughter of Larry and Connie Bertrand and plans to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia, majoring in philosophy and political science. She also plans to attend law school.
Holmes was a member of National Honor Society, Scholar Bowl, FBLA and was editor of the school newspaper. She was a Breakfast Exchange Club Student of the Month, FBLA parliamentarian and was on the state and national FBLA parliamentary Procedure teams.
She plans to attend Maryville College in St. Louis, majoring in actuarial science. Her parents are Larry and Helen Holmes.
Johnston was historian/reporter for FBLA, an editor of the school paper, secretary of National Honor Society and president of SADD. She competed in state FBLA competition where she placed second in shorthand. She was also Breakfast Exchange Club Student of the Month.
Johnston plans to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia and major in journalism. Her parents are Mike and Sharon Johnston.
CHAFFEE Robert Alan Miller is valedictorian and Amanda Leanne Hunter is salutatorian of Chaffee High School's senior class.
Miller received a Curator's Scholarship from the University of Missouri-Columbia, Regent's Scholarship from Southeast Missouri State and a Physics Scholarship from Murray State University. He was named a Scholar/Athlete, received a Carver certificate and Presidential Academic Fitness Award.
He is the son of Frank and Corena Miller and plans to attend Murray State University.
Hunter was named a Scholar/Athlete, Carver award and Presidential Academic Fitness Award. She has received three scholarships from Southeast Missouri State University, including a Regent's, Missouri Leadership and tennis athletic scholarship. She also received a scholarship to Murray State University.
She plans to attend Southeast Missouri State and is the daughter of Jim and Janice Hunter.
ORAN Sandy Eftink is valedictorian and Melynda Landewee is salutatorian of the Oran High School class of 1991.
Eftink was president of FBLA and the Catholic Youth Council, managing editor of the yearbook, district secretary and historian of the Epsilon Beta Library Club, treasurer of Student Council, co-captain of the cheerleading squad and a member of FHA. She was also a twirler and played volleyball.
Eftink was awarded a "high grade" medal in 22 of her courses, and received the Oklahoma State University German by Satellite Outstanding Young Scholar Award. She attended the Missouri Scholars Academy and was awarded a National Merit Scholarship semi-finalists certificate. She has been honored as a Tandy Technology Scholar and Student of the Month.
She is the recipient of a University of Missouri-Rolla Curator's Scholarship and a Bright Flight Scholarship from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. She plans to attend UM-Rolla. Her parents are Tom and Mary Ann Eftink.
Landewee's high school activities include FHA, FBLA, Beta Club, Student Council, varsity volleyball, youth group and yearbook staff.
She has received a Governor's Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University, the Elks National Scholarship and the Westlake Scholarship.
She plans to attend Southeast and major in accounting. Her parents are Jerome and Carolyn Landewee.
BENTON Melanie Urhahn is valedictorian and Daniel Eric Record is salutatorian of Kelly High School's class of 1991.
Urhahn was Beta Club president, FHA vice-president, SADD secretary, Science Club secretary, a member of Pep Club, 4-H, CYC, and attended Girl's State and Sophomore Pilgrimage. In school, she received the Language I and II award, American History award, Physics award, Vo-Ag award, academic and varsity letter and was junior class treasurer.
She has been awarded the "I Dare You" Leadership award, Teacher's Scholarship from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Missouri State Beta Club Scholarship and President's Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University.
She plans to attend Southeast and major in elementary education, specializing in English. Her parents are John and Diane Urhahn.
Record was a member of Beta Club, Science Club, Pep Club, Art Club treasurer, Student Council, Foreign Language Club, track, weight lifting and SADD.
He also attended Boy's State, was a Missouri Scholar's Academy candidate, received the "I Dare You" Leadership award, and DAR Citizenship award.
Record has received a Governor's Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University and the Earl Peters Scholarship. He plans to attend Southeast.
Scott Central
MORLEY Mendy Payne is valedictorian and Darrin Propst is salutatorian of the senior class at Scott County Central High School at Morley.
Payne was class secretary for three years and was a member of Beta Club, FHA, FBLA, Student Council and Pep Club. She was also a varsity cheerleader.
She was awarded a Regents Scholarship from Central Missouri State University, Walmart Scholarship, Teacher Education Scholarship, Beta Club Scholarship, Presidential Academic Fitness Award, George Washington Carver Award, and a U.S. Air Force Science and Math Award.
She is the daughter of Jerry and Diane Sindle of Morley and plans to attend Central Missouri State majoring in education.
Propst was a member of Beta Club, Pep Club, band, chorus and was basketball and baseball manager. He was a member of Who's Who in Music, and was junior and senior class all-American in band and chorus.
He was awarded a Southeast Missouri State President's Scholarship and band scholarship, George Washington Carver Award, and United States Marine Corps "Semper Fidelis" Award.
He is the son of Terry and Brenda Propst of Morley, and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State majoring in music education.
Meadow Heights
MEADOW HEIGHTS James Roy has been named valedictorian and Dalton Denman has been named salutatorian of the senior class at Meadow Heights High School in Patton.
Roy was involved in Beta Club, Science club and baseball. He is the son of Susan Crawford of Lutesville and William Roy of Norwich, Conn., and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University.
Denton's activities include Beta Club, band, president of Student Council, president of FFA, president of Science Club and president of SOMAAD. He is the son of Harry and Shirley Denman of Marquand and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University.
Oak Ridge
OAK RIDGE Rebecca Kester is valedictorian and Carole Bolin is salutatorian of the senior class at Oak Ridge High School.
Kester was vice-president of the Spanish Club, secretary of FBLA, treasurer of National Honor Society and treasurer of FHA. She belonged to SADD, Science Club and the Drill Team.
She is the recipient of the DAR Good Citizen Award and a Curator's Scholarship to the University of Missouri-Columbia, where she plans to attend. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kester of Friedheim.
Bolin was president of the senior class, president of Pep Club, and secretary of FHA, Science Club and the National Honor Society. She was also involved in SADD, yearbook staff, band and Student Council.
Bolin was captain of the cheerleading squad, attended Girl's State and Youth in Government Day, was named to Who's Who Among American High School Students, was a majorette and played softball for four years.
She has received a Freshman Regents Scholarship to Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, where she plans to attend. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bolin of Oak Ridge.
DELTA Lana Quinette Vance is valedictorian and Chandler James Blackstone is salutatorian of Delta High School's class of 1991.
Vance was a member of Student Council, FBLA, FHA, jazz band and was sports editor of the yearbook.
She has received the George Washington Carver Certificate, Presidential Academic Fitness Award, National Honor/Scholar Athlete, DAR Good Citizen's Award, University of Missouri Curator's Scholarship, Regent's Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University, Hannibal-LaGrange Valedictorian Scholarship and the Paul Bock Community Teachers Association Scholarship.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vance and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State.
Blackstone was active in basketball, band, jazz band, Pep Club, Science Club and National Honor Society. He was awarded the DeVry Institute of Technology Scholarship, Hannibal-LaGrange Scholarship, George Washington Carver Award, Booster Club Citizenship Award, Presidential Academic Fitness Award, Honor Roll Award and certificates of honor in biology and earth science.
He is the son of Richard Chandler Blackstone and Margaret Ann Blackstone and plans to attend DeVry Institute of Technology and major in electronics engineering.
ADVANCE Todd Mayberry is valedictorian and Cathy Reeves is salutatorian of the 1991 class at Advance High School.
Mayberry was involved in band, Beta Club, History Club, Math and Science Club, Pep Club, SADD, Quiz Bowl Team and was an exchange student in Germany,
He was president of Student Council, German Club, FBLA and was editor of the school newspaper.
He received a Governor's Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University, Curator's Scholarship to University of Missouri, Hazel B. Carlson Memorial Scholarship, Who's Who Among American High School Students and Xerox Award for Humanities and Social Sciences.
He is the son of Bruce and Linda Slinkard of Advance and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University.
Reeves was co-captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, vice president of SADD, and captain of Quiz Bowl. She was a member of Beta Club, Pep Club, Student Council, History Club, Math and Science Club, FBLA, band and was a twirler.
She was Elks Student of the Month, local and regional science fair winner, all-county cheerleader and member of the all-county band.
Scholarships include Governor's to Southeast Missouri State University, Beta Club Scholarship and Southwest Missouri State University Scholarship.
She is the daughter of Bill and Diane Reeves of Puxico and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University majoring in marketing with a minor in fashion merchandising.
CHARLESTON Juliana Gemeinhardt is the valedictorian and Jami Clarkson is salutatorian of Charleston High School's class of 1991.
Gemeinhardt was active in cheerleading, track, Student Council and National Honor Society. She received the VFW Essay Contest Award, four-year social studies award, four-year art award, Amarillo Rebekah Lodge Award, AAL Lutheran Ball State Presidential Scholarship and the Kiwanis Club Scholarship.
She is the daughter of Celeste Gemeinhardt of Cape Girardeau and Richard Gemeinhardt of Anniston.
Clarkson's activities include president of National Honor Society, president of SADD, marching band, chamber choir, flag corps captain, Future Teachers Association, Library Club and track. She received the Daughter of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award and was November Student of the Month.
She received the PEO Scholarship, Marshall Memorial Scholarship, Regents Scholarship to Southeast Missouri State University, Missouri Leadership, Missouri Teacher Education and Beta Club Scholarships.
She is the daughter of Alvidean Clarkson of Charleston.
PERRYVILLE Christopher Winkler is valedictorian and Timothy Danker is salutatorian of Perryville High School's class of 1991.
Winkler was a member of Student Council and the baseball team. An honor student throughout high school, he received the 1991 College Prep Award, George Washington Carver Award, and academic awards in social studies, advanced composition, calculus, photography, computer programming and trigonometry.
He spent three weeks in Germany as an exchange student, and received the Mississippi Lime Company Scholarship.
He plans to attend the University of Missouri-Rolla and major in chemical engineering. He is the son of Dennis and Pat Winkler.
Danker's school activities include varsity band, jazz band, National Honor Society vice president, basketball, Missouri Boys State, Drama Club, Scholar Bowl and honor roll.
He is a recipient of the George Washington Carver Award, Presidential Academic Fitness Award, the National Honor Society and Perry County District 32 Scholarship, the Outstanding Senior Band Member Award, a member of the SEMO All-District Band, and received superior ratings at state and district music contests.
The son of David and Rosetta Danker, he plans to attend Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., majoring in civil engineering.
St. Vincent's
PERRYVILLE Carla Jean Brown is the valedictorian and Jennifer Ann Wibbenmeyer is the salutatorian of the senior class at St. Vincent's High School in Perryville.
Brown was active in volleyball, band, Student Council, Spanish Club, Pep Club, SADD, National Honor Society, was on the honor roll and participated in Girl's State. She is the recipient of the Walmart Scholarship, MAAA Athlete Academic Award, MAAA Honor Band, Distinguished Service Award, Volleyball Sportsmanship Award and the Marching Award.
The daughter of Ray and Joyce Brown, she plans to attend Maryville College in St. Louis and major in business.
Wibbenmeyer's activities include band, Student Council, Spanish Club, National Honor Society and SADD. She is the recipient of the "I Dare You" Leadership Award, a first-place science award winner and received the "Most Improved" Band Member award.
She is the daughter of Robert and Patricia Wibbenmeyer and plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University.
MOUNDS, Ill. Gail Byassee has been named valedictorian and Wendell Terry salutatorian of Meridian High School's class of 1991.
Byassee, 17, belonged to the National Honor Society, Foreign Language Club and was president of the Beta Club. She was also involved in the softball and girl's basketball programs.
The daughter of Jim and Betty Byassee of Villa Ridge, she has been awarded the Shawnee Junior College Award of Excellence and a Beta Club Scholarship. She plans to attend Shawnee Community College for two years and then transfer to a four-year college.
Terry, 18, belonged to the Foreign Language Club, the Beta Club and band. He was vice president of the National Honor Society and vice president of the Student Council.
The son of Cora Terry of Mounds, he has been awarded the DAR Good Citizen Award, the Minority Engineering Scholarship and full tuition/fees at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. He plans to attend SIU and major in electrical engineering.
CAIRO, Ill. Trinicca Latri Johnson is valedictorian and Mike Wessinger is salutatorian of Cairo High School's class of 1991.
Johnson was a member of the volleyball, track and math teams. She was senior editor of the school newspaper, worked on the yearbook staff, and was a member of the Spanish Club, Scholar Bowl Team, Junior Engineering and Technological Society, National Honor Society and was vice president of Beta Club.
She was awarded the NAACP Academic Award, certificate of achievement as an Illinois State Scholar and received a meritorious achievement award by women and science and engineering.
She plans to attend Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., and major in computer engineering. Her parents are Alan Johnson of Cairo and Mary Ann Johnson of Indianapolis, Ind.
Wissinger was active in National Honor Society, Academic Senior Olympiad, Beta Club, newspaper staff, yearbook staff, math team, JETS, Science Club, Business Club, football and was Scholar Bowl captain.
He is an Illinois State Scholar, and was a Congressional Scholar at the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C.
He received a Dean's Scholarship to St. Louis University.
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