Letter to the Editor

Thanks to those involved in Cape events on Fourth

To the editor:

On behalf of the several thousand Cape Girardeau residents who enjoyed our downtown Fourth of July celebration, I wish to thank the Old Town Cape Libertyfest Committee and financial sponsors for their efforts in keeping this salute to our independence a special family-focused event in our community.

The tradition of watching spectacular fireworks on the Fourth of July is a memory that was instilled in many of us as children, and it's one we wish to provide for our own children.

Citizens should be aware that an event like this would not take place without hours of planning by many individuals who squeeze time into their busy days for additional meetings.

And citizens should know that local businesses that are hammered with requests to sponsor events like this one every single day chose to invest in this event because of their love for our community.

A special thank you to all those involved in Old Town Cape for keeping our focus on one of our community's treasures: our downtown.


Cape Girardeau