Letter to the Editor

Take care of pets during heat wave

To the editor:

In response to the story "Heat advisory takes effect:" Now that it's time for heat advisories to be issued and publicized, it would be a great public service to remind your readers that their animals need extra protection too. No animal should ever be left without shade (watch the sun as it moves to be sure you are providing accessible shade all day long.). No animal should ever be left without fresh drinking water, which is changed at least once a day and placed in a position to ensure that the animal will not tip it over. Please do not chain an animal without these two very basic needs -- ever. Some pens are ill-equipped to provide these needs.

Remember that animals are God's creatures too and deserve the kindnesses we usually extend automatically to humankind. Don't be uncaring and think someone will take care of it. Neighbors, if you see animals confined in a situation where they have no shade or water, please call the police. They will aid and assist.