Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

As a 1989 graduate of Jackson High School and former athlete, I am having a hard time believing that this crucifixion prank has really happened at Jackson High School. Even though my husband and I do not currently live in Jackson, we have always held fond memories of our time spent there. The military has taken us many places, but we always thought that we would hang our hat in Jackson so that our son could experience the rich tradition associated with Jackson High and the town itself, which we so loved.

After hearing all the information, I have to wonder what has happened to our school. It is hard to face that a group of boys could do such a horrific thing to another student, yet a person they called a friend. What is even harder to accept is the fact that Jackson High School and the school board are allowing these students to participate in its athletic programs. What this group of boys did is inexcusable and makes me wonder what the reasoning is behind allowing them to represent the high school in the sports arena.

Is this the type of image Jackson and the high school want to promote? Because if so, this is not the Jackson that I left five years ago: a school proud of its heritage and athletes, a school strongly supported by the community.

The school owes it to the community and its students, both present and alumni, to do the right thing. And if the school cannot come to a sensible solution, then the community owes it to present and future students to cast their votes in future school board elections to find suitable replacements for the Jackson School Board.


Fort Sill, Okla.