Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

A more moronic perversion of my position I could not imagine than Mr. Hodge's March 21 letter. To say I "demand that everyone be allowed to buy more guns ... then ... it is necessary to allow everyone to carry concealed guns for protection from the other people he has encouraged to buy guns in the first place" is to show a limited mental capacity.

Remember me? Not too long ago I had the audacity to suggest in this space we actually put convicted criminals in prison for long sentences and invoke the death penalty for capital crimes, much to Mr. Hodge's dismay. I am vehemently opposed to anyone with a history of violent or criminal behavior or social irresponsibility such as drunkenness, barroom brawls or DUIs having access to any type of weapon, as they have already shown themselves to pose a hazard to decent, law-abiding citizens.

Anyone who knows me knows that I advocate the strongest penalties for weapon misuse or possession by persons with criminal histories, including the death penalty for drive-by shootings, even if no one was hurt, or discharging a weapon during a crime. A beautiful 18-year-old woman alone on the street with a bag of money would have nothing to fear from the group of people I advocate allowing the right to defend themselves. (Isnt that a paradox: allowing a right?)ROBERT A. CRON

Cape Girardeau