Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

This is in response to Allen Gathman's piece: Why should homosexuals be denied basic privacy? (Southeast Missourian Sept. 13, 1991) It seems to me that Allen Gathman breathes a sigh of relief since Simon Le Vay found and published in Journal Science, "that a group of cells in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that controls the release of hormones, are larger in males than females, but in homosexual males they are small, more like that of a female." Allen Gathman argues: "That supports what homosexuals have long said, the people do not choose their sexual preference, but are born with them." As sympathetic as one wishes to be towards homosexuality, that fact does not remove the stigma. Like Jay Eastlick argues, and rightly so, "The murderers and rapists also have inborn urges, which must be repressed." (Many did not and wound up in gas chambers.)

Whatever, the great creative Intelligence whose handiwork we humans are, does not look kindly upon the lifestyle of homosexuals. In Leviticus 20:13 we read: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood be upon them." They were stoned to death.

And there were two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, packed with homosexuals. And we read again, this time in Genesis 19:24-25: "Then the Lord rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord of heaven and burned down the wicked cities." And there are people that contend, the third lightning bolt from heaven upon that "gay" lifestyle is the AIDS; a scourge for which there is no cure. What a painful tragedy!

And here is something else Allen Gathman has to say: "Religious morality is specifically prohibited as basis for law in this country. Separation of church and state prevents any home-grown Ayatollah from decreeing how we are to behave."

Allen Gathman crucifies the truth. The truth is the constitution of the United States is built upon the laws of scripture. The Founding Fathers knew exactly that that's a good foundation to erect that edifice we call the United States of America.

Separation of church and state does not say anything of an Ayatollah; that clause was put in the Constitution to protect religious people from creatures like Stalin and Felix Drzezinski, founder of the Cheka, later called the KGB, that bloody murder instrument that killed through shooting, hard labor, starvation ... in Russia alone 65 million people and worldwide 165 million.

The people in Moscow recently tore down the tall statue of "Iron Felix"; he fell into the mud, soiling his goatie.

And what about Ayatollah? In Shah's time, Iran started sinking into "cesspool: prostitution walked the streets, filthy movies were shown, pornography peddled on street corners, and whole streets filled with brothels. All this smut was brought in mostly from America. Then came Ayatollah and swept the country clean.

We too are sinking into smut and crime. So far this year, 24,000 young people have died in gang warfare in our cities.

Oh, Lord send us a strong leader.

Herbert Hirschfeld

Cape Girardeau