Letter to the Editor


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Dear Editor:

This is an open letter to invite disgruntled citizens of the City of Cape Girardeau to come to the City Council Meeting tonight at 7:30. The trash issue will once again be on the agenda. At the last council meeting, the council was asked to again consider taking bids from private trash haulers so that we the people, can make an intelligent decision as to whether a private hauler could indeed compete with the city in offering solid waste management at a reasonable rate.

The rate alone is not in question relative to solid waste management, but it is the solid waste "management" itself in question. After five years, the city still does not have a financial hold on the solid waste budget. It goes beyond the $1.64 Senate Bill 530. It hits at the mechanics of wise and prudent use of what budgetary funds are available. The past and present handling of planning and purchasing the proper equipment, the wasted gas and time expended going up and down the streets not collecting recyclables.

They rush into forced recycling like a swimmer with his feet tied together, without a true game plan for where they were going with it. The council questions nothing from the city management, and we the people must pay the price for imprudent spending. We are suppose to sit back and do nothing, say nothing, and by all means - think nothing about where we are going.

We the people, are told that sealed bids were taken several years ago and the city won. Who saw those bids, who were the bidders, and if the city gets to choose the winning bid, why would the city NOT choose themselves? Is that not a conflict of interest? Should it not be an outside consulting firm to decide who will be the best bid? Why would the city not be the lowest bidder, because they see what the other private haulers bid and then can underbid so as not to give the contract to another.

The City Council is going to go with the city because it is the council who appointed the city management. Why can't the citizens see the bids and put it to a vote of the people, especially with all the perceived distrust of city as it is now governed? What is the city council afraid of? Commercial accounts with BFI and SEMO Waste Management seem to be happy - and who, but the citizens have a right to make that same decision, be it right or wrong.

The city contends they can do the job cheaper than a private hauler; we the people, perceive they can not. City management contend they are running the solid waste program as a business, we the people, perceive they are not. If you will note I use the words "We the People" to include those citizens concerned with how our city government is handling city affairs. Relative to solid waste, what the city is perceived to be doing is truly a waste. A waste of their time, our money and the city's solid waste budget.

If you are truly concerned and want something done on the trash issue for once and for all, if you want the city to bid the service and want accountability from your city council, then show up at the council meeting, even if it's standing room only. Calling Speakout won't promote change, it only makes a person feel better. You don't have to speak at the meeting, unless you want to, but being there is a statement in itself. By staying home, you lose and I lose. By coming out to be counted gives you a fighting chance.

This is my last letter on the subject of trash. One person, like one soldier, can not fight an army of opposition and expect to win the war. If citizens who have complained to me time after time to hang in there and do something can not come out and fight for their rights, then I have done all I can as ONE person. It's up to all of you to make the council listen. Only your attendance gives "We the People" a voice to be heard.

Maryann "Miki" Gudermuth

1314 Brookshire