Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

Let's all take a deep breath and calmly review the issues regarding the riverboat gambling election:

1.Riverboat Casino Gambling was voted on and approved for the entire state of Missouri last November. The majority of Cape Girardeau city voters also approved that new law, by a majority of votes. (Source: Cape Girardeau County Clerk - Jackson, MO)
2.There are many groups and organizations who support this development in Cape Girardeau, such as the Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce, the Southeast Missourian Editorial Staff, the Convention and Visitors' Bureau, all of whom have families and strong ties to the community. My wife and I, along with these organizations and individuals would not back something that would harm this city, but rather would only support a project that is going to be beneficial to our city.
3.One only has to look to the City of Metropolis, Illinois, to see what kind of positive impact this kind of development can have: new hotels by the interstate and another new hotel under construction by the river. Thirty new businesses opened this year, including wonderful restaurants and cafes. Motor coaches line up each day, bringing hundreds of tourists (many from Cape Girardeau). The Players Riverboat has paid $2,717,000 to Metropolis so far this year and has averaged 112,000 visitors every month to a town of 7,200 people. (Source: Illinois State Gaming Board Report published September, 1993).
4.The truth is that we will have a riverboat casino here in the immediate area of Southeast Missouri. The only question is which city has the foresight to reap its benefits. The day after theprevious election in June, the headlines read "Central Hardware Closes and 80 Jobs Lost." I can only hope that on Wednesday morning the headlines don't read, "800 Jobs and Millions in Cape Revenue Lost to Scott County".

A "yes" vote is indeed a vote for progress, better paying jobs, and economic benefit for the entire city of Cape.

Dan Elkins

Cape Girardeau