Letter to the Editor


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To the Editor:

Your recent article about candidates for the vacancy on the Circuit Court named just three likely candidates. They were all Democrats.Everyone knows that the governor is a Democrat and the conventional wisdom is that he will pick a Democrat. But you didn't mention that he doesn't have to have to pick a Democrat and you didn't say that whoever is appointed has to run for re-election next year.The Governor could pick an experienced trial judge who is ready for the job right now if he picks Associate Circuit Judge Ben Lewis. Judge Lewis has applied for the appointment.Judge Lewis is a Republican, which might make his appointment less likely, but (1) he would be a strong candidate next year against any Democrat who gets appointed and (2) appointing Judge Lewis Circuit Judge would create a vacancy in Associate Circuit Court which the Governor would then get to fill.

The conventional wisdom is that governors like win-win options.

John M. Thompson
