Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

As a subscriber to your fine newspaper, I am writing to voice my displeasure with your front-page coverage of the two students who painted their hair. I think there are many other newsworthy items you could have chosen for front-page coverage.

Since I am an educator, I have the opportunity to work with our young people every day, and the vast majority of them are hardworking and respectful and are good citizens. However, your paper decided to give front-page coverage to students who colored their hair. I would like to see your news coverage focus on the positive actions of our young people. For example, I currently am working with students who are building picnic tables for our city park. I also have students who plant a garden each year for our senior citizens so they can have fresh vegetables. These are just a couple of the many examples I could give you of situations where students are making a positive difference in our community.

I would like to invite you to come to our school and visit with me and my students so that you can see firsthand all of the positive things that students are accomplishing. By giving publicity to students who color their hair, I think that you are sending the wrong message to our young citizens.


Oran High School
