Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

This is my response to a letter from the Regional Commerce and Growth Association concerning the proposed lake on the Bollinger-Cape Girardeau county line:

As a first statement, I wish to emphasize that this project as conceived is not a recreational lake but a development project. Anyone who takes time to read the legislation will recognize this, as well as the fact that this is the way that the project serves to make money for the proposed lake authority.

There is something basically wrong when those who wish to develop and create even more growth in the area (which is already happening) can do so in the thin guise of recreation. They propose to take land from persons who do not wish to sell and use this for development purposes. This, I am sure, is not what the founding fathers of our nation had in mind when the law of eminent domain was drafted.

If the RCGA really has the people in mind that have lived, worked or moved here because they like the areas as it is, they should concentrate on attracting more high-paying jobs to this area rather than a like that would result in some growth in jobs, mostly minimum-wage, seasonal-type employment. Lakes do not attract industry. If this statement were true, Southern Illinois would be the industrial hub of the state. If the growth is not fast enough to suit you, I would suggest possibly New York or Los Angeles, both examples of growth that would make any chamber of commerce proud.

I have no wish to offer suggestions that would make the proposed legislation acceptable to me as a landowner, because under no circumstances do I want this development project. To offer suggestions to improve the legislation would give those who are in favor of the project the opportunity to say that the changes where offered by me (a landowner), leaving the impression that I now approve of the project.

If Cape Girardeau County or Bollinger County or the combination want to true recreational lake -- for recreation, let them individually or as a unit buy land from individuals wishing to sell, make a recreational lake and let the counties be responsible for it. There should be no taxpayers-financed development projects or additional governmental authorities.

