Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I've just read the letter to the editor in the April 26 newspaper from Susan Estes, president of the Cape Girardeau County Democratic Women's Club discussing "the Clinton administration's accomplishments on behalf of women and their families."

In reviewing the litany of "accomplishments" Ms. Estes recites, it is impossible not to notice that she left out the most notable and most recent "accomplishment" of the current occupant of the White House: his veto of the bill to ban the partial-birth abortion, a procedure in which scissors are shoved into the base of the infant's skull and a tube is inserted to suck the brain out just prior to delivery. In other words, the president has come down on the side of allowing murder of innocent infants just moments before they are born.

Presumably, 51 percent of those dead infants will be little girls. Not much of an "accomplishment" for them, is it?


Cape Girardeau