Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

Two years ago the Southeast Missourian coordinated the Parade magazine Young Columbus Contest. Our daughter, Jennie, was the grateful recipient of a wonderful trip to Ireland. At that time we were understandably delighted with the opportunity the Southeast Missourian gave her, and we now want you to know about the tremendous impact that single event has had on Jennie's life.

The trip itself was Jennie's chance to travel overseas, experience another culture, establish lasting friendships. She came home confident in her ability to handle different and challenging situations. And she continued in her dedication to academics because she had seen such positive rewards.

But the benefits of the trip did not end there. Jennie used her trip to Ireland as the basis of an essay which was an important part of a scholarship application to Vanderbilt University. She was selected to interview and eventually was awarded a four-year, full-tuition scholarship to Peabody College at Vanderbilt. That simple beginning participation in the Young Columbus Contest led to an educational opportunity we could never have provided, and we want you to know how much we appreciate what the Southeast Missourian has done for Jennie.


Cape Girardeau