Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

St. Vincent Home in Freeport, Ill., will celebrate its 100th anniversary this year on July 21. Over 26,000 children were served by the orphanage we operated here between 1896 and 1973.

We wish to locate as many of these former residents as possible so we can invited them to join our centennial festivities and be reunited with some of the Franciscan sisters who staffed the facility.

We encourage any of your readers who are former residents of St. Vincent Homes -- or who were associated with the home in any way -- to contact us at Centennial Committee, St. Vincent Home, 659 E. Jefferson St., Freeport, Ill. 61032.


St. Vincent Home Centennial Committee

Freeport, Ill.