Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

To the person who called Speak Out to complain why Cape Girardeau or Jackson aren't pressuring TCI about carrying WGN, I would tell them that they are wrong. To the extent possible, the Cape Girardeau City Council has already sent a strong letter of disappointment on the fact that TCI does not seem to check with its customers as to what they would like to see.

To the extent the caller suggests that the council ought to take formal action, that is impossible. Thanks to Uncle Same, it is illegal for any city to do anything, unless asked by the franchisee, about what channels can be carried. That is the law, and that is why if there is going to be any effective pressure put on TCI, it must come from the customers. I strongly suggest the caller get out there and get his fellow customers to call TCI and let the company know they are unhappy.


Cape Girardeau