Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I just wanted to say God bless you all for organizing the Toybox. I shed a few tears every day when I read about the children and their families and also about the elderly. I'm not just shedding tears, though. I am doing something about it. I am now on my fourth bag of toys and items for the elderly. I am not looking for a pat on the back. I just want more people to get out there and do the same.

I am not rich, and my husband works two jobs so I can stay home with our 3-year-old. I, in turn, help him with the farm and try to do everything around the house so he can spend time with our children. He doesn't mind that we give to Toybox, because you never know. It might be you who falls on hard times. Besides, it makes you feel good inside to give.

Also, I would like to add that I don't understand, when an elderly person says he goes to church every week and then goes home to an empty house, why this happens. Can't the fellow church members or preacher invite that person over for dinner?

In closing, I just want to say God bless the nurses who take care of the elderly and the handicapped, and also bless the social workers and foster parents. They have some of the hardest jobs on Earth.


Cape Girardeau