Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I read the recent letter from Mr. Degenhardt about his solution to the Social Security problem. I see that some people are big believers in redistribution of wealth. As long as they are spending the money that belongs to someone else, they see nothing wrong with it.

Mr. Degenhardt seems to think there should be no limit on the amount that should be taxed for Social Security. On the other hand, he thinks the maximum amount an individual can receive should be limited.

As usual, another government program was flawed from the start. The government did not look or figure further than the next few years. It just saw a way to assure the vote of those who would rely on Social Security as a means to retirement. Government took away the incentive for people to provide for themselves, and government spent the money.

There are those who believe some people should not have to pay any income taxes as a means of being fair. To be even more fair, some can even get back money they didn't pay through tax credits. Since we hear so much about being fair, is this really fair?

I do not make enough to get to the cutoff limit for Social Security taxes, and I am not the least bit jealous of someone being an achiever or inheriting a fortune through the hard work of his forebears. Personally, I believe Social Security should be phased out, and everyone should work out his own retirement. If they cannot work and need help, let the communities be the judge of that and provide. Those in the community know whether someone can work or is just working the system.

I realize this system may have its flaws, but probably not as many or as big as the one provided by government.

