Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I noticed with interest and enthusiasm your reference to the recent article in the paper on mediation. The process of mediation can be most helpful for two individuals considering separation. In some instances, couples review the realities that they will face living alone or as a single parent and choose to consider reconciling their marriage. Sometimes there are irreconcilable differences. The actual work and discussion surrounding specific issues to be discussed take place in the presence of both parties and the mediator. The mediator does not give legal advice and does not attempt to take the place of an attorney.

Mediation can enable two individuals who have spent considerable time and energy in developing their life together to arrive at an agreement, specifically their own agreement. If it is a divorcing couple with children, they will be arranging the visitation schedule for their children. Divorce can be a less traumatic event if the individuals can exert some of their own control over the direction of their future and the future of their children. This is the essential magic of mediation.

SHELBY KNEER, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Cape Girardeau