Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I am writing in regard to the Jan. 16 article regarding Cape Girardeau School District students having free periods and being excused from final exams. I applaud efforts to reward students for good work and to motivate students to do well in school. I have concerns about the final exams.

Have final exams become a punishment? If you don't miss class and have a C average, you don't take the final. Does that mean the student who doesn't meet this qualification is being punished?

Wheat effect does the final exam have on a student's grade? If some take the final and some don't, how can the semester grade be determined equally among all students? Does the one who gets excused get an A on the final? Doesn't the final exam grade reflect on the semester grade? If not, why give any student a final exam, if it isn't used to determine the grade?

I would suggest the plan be scrapped now, not after one more final-less semester. The final exam in the participating schools is meaningless.


Cape Girardeau