Letter to the Editor


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To the editor:

I have been reading a lot of articles promoting Vice President Al Gore's speaking engagements on global warming. It seems that Mr. Gore is convinced that we are in deep peril and that he has a mission to enlighten us and to make sure the process is in place for government control and regulation.

There are several things about global warming that Mr. Gore is not mentioning:

1. There is no evidence that global warming exists. There are just as many reports showing that Earth has cooled as that Earth has warmed. In any case, the temperature for any period of time is extremely minute, whether it is warming or cooling.

2. Earth's temperature is affected by so many variables that no government or group of governments could possibly control enough to make a difference.

3. If Mr. Gore was really concerned about what each individual could do to help eliminate global warming, he would not be traveling in a private jet to his speaking engagements. He would be walking, riding a bicycle, taking a train or sending a video of his speech.

4. The initiatives that Mr. Gore is promoting would certainly give our government much more power to intrude into our lives and to try to intrude into the lives of other peoples living around the world. It would certainly increase the cost of our houses, vehicles, heating and cooling systems, appliances and other items too numerous to mention. It would not only cost us more to live our daily lives, but more money would have to be collected in taxes to pay for the increase in government bureaucracy that would be needed to regulate all the laws and reforms that would be instituted.

It seems that Mr. Gore's speeches are not having an effect on most of us, but I know it only takes a small amount of enthusiasm to create government bureaucracy in abundance. It wouldn't hurt to write your representatives in Washington reinforcing the stand that we don't think there is a problem and we don't think more government would be a solution is there were a problem.


Marble Hill