Letter to the Editor


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I'm the woman who was in the photograph with the article on the front page of the Sept. 24 Southeast Missourian about the mobile-home park that Holigan is putting in behind my house.

At the time the article was written, I was undecided as to which way I wanted to vote on county planning and zoning. But I soon found out that the person who is in charge of the construction of the mobile-home park is the chairman of the Cape Girardeau Planning and Zoning Commission. Shame on that person, and you know who you are. You have the right to tell the people in Cape Girardeau what they can build and where, and then you come out to the county and do what you did behind my house.

This same person told the Southeast Missourian that he wasn't interested in developing a mobile-home park. Then why is he still advertising the lots for sale?

I'm asking the people who vote on Nov. 7 to please vote no on planning and zoning, because my eyesore behind my house, junk cars or whatever your eyesore may be will remain there because it was already there, so it will be grandfathered in.

If you think voting yes will get rid of your problem, it won't. It will bring some people more problems, because you won't be able to do anything to your property without asking if you will be allowed to do so. That's why we live in the county: so we have that freedom.

Please help us keep that freedom. Vote no.


Jackson, Mo.