Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

We hear of parents and strangers who molest and kill children, then walk around free. We hear of spouses who are supposed to love and honor each other, yet domestic violence is rising. We hear of parents who blackmail their children to keep the family business going, even if it kills their child.

We see violence in our schools and just say thank God it wasn't here. We see churches so big that they forget about the people inside. We see too many young people taking drugs and drinking, yet we say thank God it isn't my child. Or is it? We see superintendents of schools have a secretary and several assistants, yet the teachers who have students get no assistants.

We speak of our undying love for our children but turn around and work so many hours that strangers are their caregivers. We speak of our love for our Lord but then allow a government for the people to take our children out of our schools. We speak of gasoline prices going up because it's everyone's problem, but farmers have been dealing with this kind of control for years. Finally, we speak of attending a friend's or relative's funeral. If only we had taken the time to visit them when they were alive.

Don't get me wrong. I plead guilty to a couple of the above statements. My husband works too hard, and he mentioned that people don't have the time. I hope this helps us take the time to care.


Cape Girardeau