Letter to the Editor


This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

To the editor:

I would like to thank a few people who helped make Toybox a success for Christmas 2000.

I would like to thank the Jaycee 2000 Toybox chairman, Darrell Stearns, for coordinating this project, along with Michelle Bir and Lisa Seabaugh for their tireless work as shopping coordinators and Kim McDowell of the Southeast Missourian.

It takes so many people to make this project a success. Every year there are new people to help, and every year I hear the comment, "I had no idea this was such a big project." There were over 400 families with about 1,200 children that applied this year through the Salvation Army inside the Cape Girardeau city limits.

Before anything can start, someone must donate a building. This year, the donor was anonymous. The building needs to be at least 5,000 square feet, because the Jaycees need to make a temporary toy store so the elves have room to fill the bags, check Santa's bags, match families with their requests and route the bags in order. As you might guess, this takes a large amount of time at the busiest time of the year for many people. Many of the toy stores in town worked with the committee to provide toys. In particular, Toys R Us opened early, stayed late and stored some toys.

Howard Kinder donated his time to route 400 addresses around Cape to make it convenient for Santa to find all the children. There were more than 20 Santa helpers, not to mention his elves and teams.

We would like to thank Rental Land, Cape Auto Pool, Ford Groves, Cape Winair, Bizzy Bee Janitor Supply, the Southeast Missourian and everyone else that furnished Santa with transportation.

Thanks to everyone for the generous support, whether it was financial, giving of your time or your thoughts and prayers. Toybox was a success because of you.



Cape Girardeau Jaycees

Cape Girardeau