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After what seemed like a shaky period that pitted former school board members against current members and new administrators, an understanding appears to have been worked out regarding the Cape Girardeau Public School Foundation and its potential for meeting the financial needs of certain school projects.

The foundation was created in 1993 with most of the board members at that time designated as members of the foundation board. Since then, there has been a large turnover in the school board. And, amid considerable district turmoil that eventually resulted in the firing of the superintendent, the foundation sort of fell by the wayside.

The concept of a foundation, however, was a good one when it was created and never stopped being worthwhile endeavor, a fact that former board members who helped created the foundation recognized. The foundation provides a mechanism for special fund-raising efforts that target specific needs within the district, needs that might not otherwise fit into the district's operating budget.

In the process of revitalizing the foundation, considerable acrimony built up. There were deep feelings involved that went beyond the foundation's mission. These feelings created an us-against-them situation among some participants. At one point a suggestion was made to disband the foundation to put an end to the acrimony.

Fortunately, a face-to-face meeting of foundation board members and school board members reached a more favorable conclusion. After talking about the problems as well as the potential for the foundation, there was general agreement to keep the group intact and to look for ways to make it succeed.

This is yet another step in a positive direction for the school district. The school board is currently involved in strategic planning that will require strong community support. New administrators have been named. Now the foundation, which could make a valuable contribution to the overall quality of education and school facilities, appears headed on a constructive course. Combined, these efforts will help make good educational opportunities even better.