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The success story recounted above isn't the only one of recent note by a foreign-based company in the greater Cape Girardeau area's diversified economy. In early 1990, Miltenberger & Willing Packaging U.S. Inc., a German-owned company, opened the doors to a $41 million, eight-building complex across from Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. near Neely's Landing. Seven years later the Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce awarded this fine corporate citizen its highest honor for industry, recognizing it as the industry of the year.

M&W -- a subsidiary of M&W Verpackungen, Gronau, Germany, and Nordenia International AG, Munster, Germany -- opened its American operation with 49 employees in 1990 and an annual payroll of $1.1 million. Today, the company here has 250 employees with an annual payroll of $10.1 million. The company was founded more than 25 years ago in Gronau, West Germany. P&G was the largest U.S. customer of M&W when it opened here. The company also provides packaging for products of Ralston-Purina and Golden Cat Corp.

Sales growth has swelled from $7.2 million the first year to $49.7 million in 1996. The company is providing more than 17.8 million bags a month.

Accepting the commitment to excellence award, Elden Lingwood, executive vice president of M&W, thanked the community, Southeast Missouri State University, Procter & Gamble and the chamber of commerce. We join all these and many more in saluting this fine company and wish them much success in future years.