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Over the years, progress brings change, and few areas of Cape Girardeau have changed more dramatically that the business district as Haarig that included a once-thriving Good Hope Street.

As much of the city's retail center has shifted to the west end -- with its mall, small shopping centers, hotels and restaurants -- the Good Hope area shifted too.

One of the last businesses, Unnerstall's Drug Store, closed last week after 70 years. Sam and Carol Unnerstall are ready for retirement. They managed to keep the drug store going long after the shopping habits changed.

In spite of the fact that most shoppers spend most of their money farther west, there are still a good number of faithful customers who were sorry to see Unnerstall's close.

But there no longer is a blacksmith shop on Good Hope either.

The many current and former customers of Unnerstall's Drug Store wish the retired proprietors the best. Good Hope Street won't be the same without them.