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The Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce will continue efforts toward getting a Metropolitan Statistical Area designation for the Cape Girardeau-Jackson-Scott City area. MSA designation was dubbed a top priority when the chamber board met recently to plot a course of action for the coming year.

The area stands to benefit significantly in terms of economic development through grants and loans if it can achieve MSA status. It apparently meets population criteria but is hindered by the fact that a beautiful cemetery and county parks sit on the west edge of Cape Girardeau, and a large industrial tract lies to the south. Fringe areas of the cities must contain at least 1,000 people per square mile, and those uninhabited developments prevent it from meeting that requirement.

It seems grossly unfair that the area be denied MSA status because of the outstanding county parks and Memorial Park Cemetery.

With the 2000 census approaching and the possibility of it showing changes in population trends, the area might find a way to achieve MSA status. It is encouraging that the chamber will continue its efforts.