

This article comes from our electronic archive and has not been reviewed. It may contain glitches.

Sometimes things do work out for the best.

Such was the case with the wetlands issue that threatened to stall work on the Cape Girardeau School District's new vocational school and high school projects.

When the district bought the property, it had no knowledge of wetlands on the property. The wet clump of trees, it turns out, fits the federal definition of a wetland.

A recent survey revealed the wetland area was smaller than originally thought -- only 2.8 acres. That means the district could trade other land with similar characteristics for the wetlands. It also meant the whole process may only take a month to resolve.

Several local property owners also offered their land for the district swap. These people should be congratulated for helping to untangle this bureaucratic red tape.

Sometimes things do work out, especially when local people close ranks to fight for things that matter in our local community. Check one off in the win column for Cape Girardeau and its public schools.