Letter to the Editor

Our city's leaders

C. S. Lewis tells the story of a man who takes his dog for a walk. As they approach a light pole, the dog goes to one side and the owner to the other. The dog wants to go forward, but the owner holds tight. It's not that the owner is against the dog going forward; he just wants him to do it on his terms. The dog eventually concedes and both go forward together.

Our city's leaders remind me a little of the dog. They want to go forward, but a few of their citizens are trying to get them to back up a bit and take care of a few issues. It's not that we are against the city going forward. I believe we would happily go forward with them if they would properly address and resolve these issues.

If the city can first, or at least simultaneously, figure a way to repair today's streets and how to properly address today's storm-water and other issues, it will serve them well as they move forward. If not, it will forever be a nagging noose.

Often the city's response to an issue is, "we are considering how best to approach it." That is understandable to a point, but it can also lead to nothing getting done. It is a little like a honey-do list. The only way to get items off the list is to do them. Maybe the city could use a few more doers.

Mike Jones, Cape Girardeau