
Feeding the hungry

When we think about hungry people of the world, we Midwesterners tend to think of Third World countries in Africa or other far-off places. But the problem exists right here in Southeast Missouri. According to the Southeast Missouri Food Bank and a University of Missouri study, there are 64,000 people in need of food in the 16 counties served by the food bank.

Recently the food bank changed its name -- it formerly was Bootheel Food Bank -- to more accurately reflect the area it serves through a network of more than 140 agencies. The food bank, based in Sikeston, also distributes food through the USDA Commodity Supplemental Food Program and the Emergency Food Assistance Program.

A good portion of the food distributed by the food bank comes from America's Second Harvest, a national effort to collect food from retailers that otherwise might be thrown away.

Most of the agencies that distribute food under the Southeast Missouri Food Bank umbrella also rely on donations of cash and food. One result of the nationwide economic downturn has been fewer donations to food banks. The needs of hungry people do not go away when times are tough. If you haven't made a donation to your local food pantry or other organizations that help get food to those who need it, now would be an excellent time to give.

Anyone interested in learning more about the Southeast Missouri Food Bank can call 651,0400 or visit the organization's website at www.semofoodbank.org.
