Letter to the Editor

Donations sought for orphanage

To the editor:

A little over a month ago, the Southeast Missourian covered a story on an orphanage in Kyrgyzstan where Jackson's DARE officer, Darrell Sievers, is serving in the war on terrorism. After reading this poignantly written article describing the plight of these children, the role our officers play in improving the lives of local residents and Sievers' request for help in replacing the orphanage roof, I was inspired to help in any way I could.

Working with the troops on this project not only helps others who are less fortunate than those living in the United States, but it also is a way to show our troops that we support them and care. If you would like to help, donations may be made at any Bank of America in Cape Girardeau or Jackson to a special account I opened specifically for this purpose.