Letter to the Editor

Protesters acted despicably

To the editor:The recent letter from John Clippard was intriguing and, in my view, a feeble attempt to rewrite history.

The Vietnam War is a legitimate subject for debate, but not the actions and behavior of the Clintons and Fonda. What they did was caused thousands of U.S. military personnel to be tortured and killed. Their attitude then and now is despicable, and their acts were treason.

I was in the military during part of the war. As a medic, I talked with many who suffered the consequences of this "Blame America first" crowd. Cindy Sheehan and company are following in their footsteps. I often wonder how these folks would have been looked on by the Founding Fathers responsible for the creation of our Constitution that these folks love to recite when attempting to justify their behavior.

On the issue of global warming, recorded history shows that the Silk Route Wells were dried up from about 700 to 1100 from global warming. Of course, we cannot be sure if it was a natural cycle or if there were too many camels in that region during that period.

As for the trees, I am curious to know what factual tree count Clippard used as a comparison to arrive at his "logical conclusion." I would also remind Clippard to visit Mount St. Helen and witness what Mother Nature can and has done to destroy trees as well as creating them.

Facts can be troublesome at times.

BILL PALMER, Bakersfield, Calif.