
Civic art

The Cape Girardeau area has a well-established tradition of public and private beautification that has made our communities pleasing to the eye and appealing to visitors. There are still a good many residents, for example, who remember the 10-mile rose garden that flanked U.S. 61 between Cape Girardeau and Jackson.

Local chambers of commerce have long recognized residential and business landscaping that adds a bit of grace and charm to our surroundings.

And projects like the murals in Cape Girardeau, the various flower beds installed by Vision 2000, the fountains at Southeast Missouri State University, the lighting of the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge and the median plantings in the new four-lane improvements of Highway 34-72 through Jackson are examples of how our visual landscape improves our lives.

Of particular interest are the many projects that have been taken on by private businesses that add to the artistic environment in our communities. Some of these have been inside business establishments, and a good many involve exterior landscaping and other improvements.

Businesses that make such an investment are contributing to the overall wealth of community pride that continues to expand in our area. In addition, the culture of civic art in this area has earned a well-deserved reputation of excellence. Every new project that appeals to the eye brightens our days.
